In addition to the other social media activities I take part in I also am the photographer and a content creator for our student section "Norsemen Tide" or "The Tide" for short ran by Gabriella Miller and Preston Auld. I provide many photos for the graphics and banners that are made to promote specific sports events here at school. Without this it is very hard to promote and grow anything, it is an immense and unique thing we have here at North. The coolest part about The Tide is how it's known school wide. Everyone knows where to check when they need to get an update about sports or when they need to find out when the next game might be.
Another great thing the tide offers other than just graphics are the promotional videos to keep people engaged and to show off our skills as student content creators. Some other fun things we do are collaborations. Our most notable one is the video (Me and Gabby) made with our cross town rivals (Grosse Pointe South) to promote an upcoming that we hosted. The purpose was to show that it's deeper than sports and people loved that! We received a lot of positive buzz from it and it more than served its purpose.

Additional video links