Although photography is my strong suit. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy writing stories. Honing my skills to be more rounded in journalism is my ultimate goal. These are some examples of the stories I had a crucial part in writing.

Issue 4
This story is special to me because it was the first news story I did. With no intent of undermining other story topics news is probably the most important and serious topic there is. Which is why I was a little bit nervous to mess up and make mistakes, especially since writing is not my strong suit I ended up feeling the opposite way in the end. With two very sound partners I was able to build more confidence in my interviews which made the writing part a whole lot easier as well. That made the story flow a lot smoother and ultimately helps me to further better myself as a writer.

Issue 3
For this specific story I was very set on writing a profile on someone who shared a similar interest to me, learning about this person so I can begin to learn from him. This was my first story i've ever done fully alone so It was very scary at first but once I got the hang of it I absolutely loved it. Having the freedom to write whatever I wanted without clouded judgement if someone else didn't agree. I feel as this story was my full unfiltered writing because it was completely curated by myself. I could've never realized that without taking on the challenge of working alone.

Issue 5
This was tricky story to write. It was right in between finals week and 3 snow days that prevented me from writing and added to the stress. I think this truly helped me though because when I was fully able to write again I learned many tips on managing my time better due to the setbacks we had.

Issue 1
This was the first story of mine that was ever published. I had absolutely no idea what to expect when writing a story like this. Which is why I like it, it set the guidelines of not only writing but the way you go about creating and formatting an entire story for me which I still carry today. It taught me how to conduct interviews, I had never conducted one before so I was really clueless. I quickly learned it was much more embarrassing for the person on the other end which helped me find the confidence to conduct them better. Asking more questions than I think are needed just incase. And going into depth on those questions so you have endless topics to write about.

Issue 2
This story was a tough one. It was the coach of interests last week ever, so tracking him down and scrambling to collect interviews was a tricky one. In this specific story as well it was hard to write from a certain perspective, the coach is a local icon not only in coaching but teaching as well, so it was a very sensitive topic for some on him retiring.

Issue 8
This was my first and only review. Writing from a subjective standpoint is extremely difficult, however it really helps you to build up confidence on standing on your perspective and staying true to your opinion no matter what. Additionally we experimented with an interactive piece of the story, hearing student voices by making a QR code to activate a vote sharing the opinion of the masses. This added a cool twist to our story.

Issue 7
Honestly for me this story was incredible to write. It was so controversial and hit so close to home. The fact I had the chance to cover and interview people and certain topics for the first time made me feel very very good about myself.

issue 6
This type of writing is very fun yet stressful. The length makes it less tedious but since there are so few words. You have to be as precise as possible with your points and word choices within the text. It can make the selection and revision processes very difficult at times but ultimately I'm happy with how it came out.
Web Story
Out of every story I've wrote this is undoubtably the most difficult to write. Most stories go off of others quotes or ideas but this one is strictly off of opinion, and sometimes your partner may not share the same opinion as you. Finding common ground was an essential part to writing, it was mandatory before anything else. There were times I tried to write without that common ground but in the end it was futile. Given that you must work together to agree makes it very good in some ways too, you are able to brainstorm more ideas if you are on the same page. It also significantly helps to feel confident about your story while writing it. I found that even though I had some rough moments writing it, I feel as if this is my best piece of work.