In a new age of photography and media, if you aren't well versed enough you will probably fall behind. Thats why I started to focus on doing video, it's better to have the skill and not use it than to wish you knew how to. I do a lot of video for TV Production as well as for the Norsemen Tide. Most of the videos I make for class are horizontal for TV but in a new age of social media, vertical videos are taking over. They have been my biggest focus as of lately.
In addition to shooting a lot of this video I also edited them all. Last year I was fortunate enough to become certified in Adobe Premiere Pro. Even though this process is fairly easy, passing the test is not. It took me about 2 years to actually learn Premiere Pro at a comfortable level but even then it is still very hard. Thankfully I have an amazing Teacher and Mentor Mr. Stackpoole who was able to help me learn enough to receive this certification, I truly could not have done it without him.